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[스크랩] 서호십경 西湖十景 Ten Scenes of West Lake

by joolychoi 2007. 1. 18.

항주 서호 西湖 Xihu(West Lake)  


Hangzhou is known for its natural beauty of West Lake worldwide. “Above is paradise, below is Suzhou and Hangzhou” expresses people’s indeed praise to Hangzhou.

(항주여행 내내 듣던 소리네요. 천상에는 천국, 지상에는 소주와 항주가 있다.)
Su Dongpo, one of the greatest writers of Song Dynasty, once wrote “Among the thirty six west lakes nationwide, West Lake in Hangzhou is the best of all.” West Lake, with the charm of young girls, she doesn’t have the arrogant manners of magnates like those graceful and noble women; She doesn’t like those gentle ladies from gentlefolk, hard to get close to. West Lake is elegant and free from vulgarity, just like Xishi, an ancient Chinese Beauty, who was washing gauze in clean water. With mountains around it in three sides and water embracing it, Hangzhou topples every one with its natural scenery as described “appropriate whether light make-up or strong make-up”.It is natural that any one wants to pay a visit to this most splendid city in the world.
With 2200 years of history, and as one of the ancient capitals of China, Hangzhou also boasts abundant cultural relics. Ancient garden,civil court, tower, pavilion, temple, spring, gully, grotto and cliff inscriptions are seen everywhere. Some look like jade belt, smoke willow and picturestic bridge with different shapes; mountains are green, rivers are clean, showing us amorous feelings. Among them, Lingyin Temple, Six Harmonies Pagoda, Tomb of Yue Fei, Longjing, Tiger Spring, Flying Peak are especially famous.
"Which impress me most in the south of Yangtse River is Hangzhou!"




우선 서호십경에 앞서 호수내에 삼도(Three Islets)가 있는데,
첫번째가 소영주(lesser Yingzhou Isle)로서 삼도중 제일 큰 섬이며,
1607년 건설되었다고 합니다.
그 특색은 호수중에 섬이 있고, 섬속에 다시 호수가 있다는 것입니다.
두번째는 호심정(Mid-lake Pavilion)입니다.
소영주와 호심정은 배를 타고 들어갈 수 있습니다.


세번째 섬인 완공돈(Lord Ruan's Mound)입니다. 
완공돈은 1809년 청조 절강순무 완원이 지었다고 해서 붙혀진 이름이라고 합니다.
서호십경 Ten Scenes of West Lake
서호에서 가장 아름다운 곳 10곳을 일컬는 사자성어로
 각각은 청나라 건륭제가 직접 현판에 글을 썼다고 합니다.
Traditionally, there are ten best-known scenic spots on the West Lake, each remembered by a four-character epithet. Collectively, they are known as the "Ten Scenes of West Lake" (西湖十景). Each is marked by a stela with the epithet written in the calligraphy of the Qianlong Emperor(乾隆帝).
They are

                                    소제춘효(苏堤春晓) Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway

                                    류랑문앵(柳浪闻莺) Orioles Singing in the Willows

                                    화항관어(花港观鱼) Viewing Fish at Flower Pond 

                                    곡원풍하(曲苑风荷) Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding 

                                    남병만종(南屏晚钟) Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill

                                    쌍봉삽운(双峰插云) Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds

                                    뇌봉석조(雷峰夕照) Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow

                                    삼담인월(三潭印月) Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

                                    평호추월(平湖秋月) Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake

                                    단교잔설(断桥残雪) Bai Causeway ligering Snow on the Broken Brigde




 소제춘효(苏堤春晓) Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway
소동파가 항주로 부임해와서 건설한 제방이라 그의 이름을 따서 '소제'라고 함.

 류랑문앵(柳浪闻莺) Orioles Singing in the Willows


 화항관어(花港观鱼) Viewing Fish at Flower Pond 


 곡원풍하(曲苑风荷) Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding yard

남병만종(南屏晚钟) Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill 


  쌍봉삽운(双峰插云) Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds


 뇌봉석조(雷峰夕照) Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow

저 탑 이름이 뇌봉탑입니다.


 삼담인월(三潭印月) Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

1621년 소동파가 건설한 세개의 탑을 모방하여 소영주 남쪽 끝에 건설된 것으로
탑마다에 5개의 둥근 구명이 있어, 달밤에 등불을 거기에 넣어두면
등불과 물속에 비친 달이 서로 어울려 빛난다고 해서 붙혀진 이름이라네요.. 


 평호추월 (平湖秋月) Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake


  백제 단교잔설(断桥残雪) Bai Causeway ligering Snow on the Broken Brigde

백거이가 항주 태수로 있을 때 쌓은 제방으로 그를 기념하기 위해 '백제'라고 하며,
단교(Broken bridge)는 백제 동쪽 끝에 있습니다.
출처 : The Garden of Eden
글쓴이 : Eden 원글보기
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